Configuring the cache

You can configure the cache in the JCR or the File System (YAML) under: /analytics/decorations/addon-commons-cache/config.yaml

By default, the cache is enabled and content pulled from your external solution is updated every 30 minutes.

      analytics-datasupplier: expireAfterAccess=30m
      analytics-datasupplier-metrics: expireAfterAccess=30m
    enabled: true

Set the enabled property to false to disable caching.

When you click the refresh button on the dashboard, the cache is invalidated.

Refreshing the dimension and metric metadata cache

Magnolia gets the dimensions and metrics displayed to users from live third-party metadata.

In general, third-party data suppliers, such as Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics or Matomo, don’t change their metadata very frequently. Magnolia therefore stores the metadata for each supplier in a resource file and reads from the file each time a user wants to see all the metrics and dimensions for the data supplier they select.

By default, Magnolia provides a command and a scheduled job to update the metadata on the first day of every month. You can change the scheduled job configuration if required.

Data supplier Unique metadata file Job and command

Adobe Analytics



The metadata file is named using the companyId and rsid from the Adobe Analytics data supplier configuration separated with underscores.

Example: exchan213_emagmgnl_dimensions.json, where exchan213 is companyId and emagmgnl is the rsid.

  • /modules/scheduler/config/jobs/updateAdobeMetadata

  • /modules/adobe-analytics/commands/adobe/updateAdobeMetadata

Google Analytics 4


  • /modules/scheduler/config/jobs/updateGoogleMetadata

  • /modules/google-analytics/commands/google/updateGoogleMetadata



The metadata file is named using the serverURL and idSite parameters from the Matomo data supplier configuration separated with hyphens.

Example: demo-matomo-org-1.json, where is the serverURL and 1 is the idSite.

  • /modules/scheduler/config/jobs/updateMatomoMetadata

  • /modules/matomo/commands/matomo/updateMatomoMetadata


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