Scheduler module

Administration Bundled: Community edition






Maven site



The Magnolia Scheduler module allows you to schedule commands to run at regularly scheduled times and is powered by the Quartz Engine.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:

  <version>3.0.0</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.


The Scheduler module can be used to execute any configured command at regular intervals. For example, it can:

  • Publish or unpublish a promotional web page on a specific date.

  • Import content from an external source into a Magnolia workspace.

  • Send emails on specific days.

  • Delete specified forum messages or threads.

  • Synchronize target and source instances.

  • Execute a custom command.


The Scheduler module is used to execute commands that are typically configured in other modules. See Commands for more.

Scheduled tasks are configured in modules/scheduler/config/jobs.

Example: demo job that activates the /news page hourly.

demo job that activates the /news page hourly Configuration



Jobs node.

     <job name>


Name of the job.



Parameters node.



Parameters passed to the command. Depends on the command. For example, the publish command expects to receive a repository name and a content path, and the generatePlanetData command used by the RSS Aggregator module, expects only a repository parameter.



Name of the catalog where the command resides.



Name of the command.



CRON expression that sets the scheduled execution time. For example, 0 0 1 5 11 ? 2010 means run on November 5th, 2010 at 01:00 am, as opposed to 0 0 1 5 11 ? *, which will run annually on Nov 5th at 01:00 am.



Description of the job.


optional, default is false

Enables and disables the job.


optional, default is true

Defines whether the same job can be running concurrently.

The Synchronization, Backup and RSS Aggregator modules use the Scheduler module for scheduling their execution.

Scheduling tasks on cluster nodes

In a clustered configuration one or more workspaces is stored in a shared, clustered storage. See Clustering for more. Cluster nodes (Magnolia instances) access the clustered workspace rather than their own workspaces. This can lead to a situation where multiple scheduled jobs attempt to access the same content simultaneously and a lockup occurs. To avoid this situation, identify the cluster nodes and run the job on only one node.

  1. Set the magnolia.clusterid property in the file of the cluster node. The file is in the /<CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/<contextPath>/WEB-INF/config/default folder. The property value can be a literal cluster name such as public123 (magnolia.clusterid=public123) or a variable such as ${servername}.

  2. To configure the job to run on the identified cluster node, go to /modules/scheduler/jobs and edit the job configuration.

  3. Under the params node, add a clusterId property and set the value to match the magnolia.clusterId of the cluster node where you want to run the job.

    Cluster node

Job configurations are stored in the config workspace. If you want to run a particular job on all cluster nodes you would have to cluster the config workspace so that all instances can read the configuration or create the same job configuration on all cluster nodes. This can be time consuming. As a workaround, configure the job once on a clustered instance without the clusterId property. This has the effect that the job will run on all cluster nodes.


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