SiteMesh module

Operations Bundled: Extension

Edition DX Core




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The SiteMesh module integrates the SiteMesh 3 decoration and Web application integration framework with Magnolia. If you intend to use SiteMesh only as the mechanism for dynamic page caching you can skip this page after its installation and continue with Advanced Dynamic Page Caching.

SiteMesh intercepts requests to any static or dynamically generated HTML page requested through the web-server, processes the content and then merges it with one or more decorators to build the final result.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:

  <version>2.0.0</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.


  1. Remove the /server/filters/sitemesh node.

  2. Remove the /server/rendering/engine/listeners/sitemesh node.

  3. Remove the /modules/sitemesh node and its subnodes.

  4. Shut down Magnolia, remove the SiteMesh module JAR (magnolia-module-sitemesh.jar) from WEB-INF/lib and start up Magnolia again.

Removing the mgnl:injecturi tag

If you want to remove the mgnl:injecturi tag, then:

  • Remove the /server/rendering/engine/listeners/personalizedComponent.

  • Set /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/cachePolicy@includePersonalizedDescendants to true.


SiteMesh filter processes by default only text/html but can be configured to process any text resources such as css or javascript:

SiteMesh filter configurtion


The decorator contains the common layout and style that should be applied to the pages in the web application.

If you have samples and demo/project installed, you can find SiteMesh sample under /demo-features/modules/sitemesh-sample.html and its decorator under /demo-features/modules/sitemesh-sample/decorator.html. You can configure more than one decorator per path (and of course use regular expression for path). You can find the templates under templates:/sitemesh-sample.

Decorator selector chooses the decorators for pages. MetaTagBasedDecoratorSelector is used by default.

Decorator configuration

Content processor

Processes the text content tag by tag. You can configure sets of rules under tagRuleBundles. You can use the bundles provided by SiteMesh 3.0.0. Just use info.magnolia.sitemesh.content.TagRuleBundleWrapper as class, create node wrapped and set the bundle class as the property class:

Content processor ndoes

Tag rule bundles

Because the bundles provided by SiteMesh 3 are fixed sets of rules, Magnolia offers you also configurable info.magnolia.sitemesh.content.MagnoliaTagRuleBundle. You can dynamically add info.magnolia.sitemesh.content.MagnoliaRules to this bundle:

Tag rule bundles

Magnolia 5.4.6+ / Sitemesh 1.0.3+. You can configure the baseURL in the InjectUriRule node.

Set /server/filters/sitemesh/decoratedFilter/contentProcessor/tagRuleBundles/magnolia/rules/InjectUriRule/tag/baseUrl to http://localhost:8080${contextPath}, for example.

  • Request:

  • Fragment request: https://localhost:8080/magnoliaPublic~mgnlArea=main~.

Site-specific configurations are not taken into account.

If baseURL is not set, the base URL of the current request is used:

  • Request:

  • Fragment request:

Rules & Tags

Every info.magnolia.sitemesh.content.MagnoliaRule holds tag. info.magnolia.sitemesh.content.AbstractTag processes a html tag. You can implement for example a tag which replaces all occurrences of <b> with <s>. Set includeInContent=true on rule if you don’t want to replace the original tag but only append new content after it. Add content node named tagTypes to a tag to tell which tag types you want to process. All types (open, close, …) will be processed if no tagTypes node will be added.

Rules & Tags configuration

Table 1. Out of the box rules
Class Description


Tag for any text injection.

Configurable fields (default)

contentToInject (empty string)


Tag injects admincentral button to navigate to admincentral when accessing pages outside of admincentral.

Configurable fields (default)

contentToInject (empty string)


Tag for injection of content retrieved by URL specified as argument target of this tag.

<mgnl:includeurl target=http://somepage.html/>

Configurable fields (default)

readTimeout (600000)
connectTimeout (10000)
bufferSize (4096)


Tag for injection of content retrieved by URI (that means a URI which points to the same webapp) specified as argument target of this tag. The current original request is used to create URL. Other arguments are set as request headers such as X-Magnolia-Fragment header which allows you to set time to live of this dynamic fragment.

<mgnl:injecturi target="/demo-project/about~mgnlArea=branding~" X-Magnolia-Fragment="ttlValue=0,CacheKeyGenerator=,"/>

Configurable fields (default)

readTimeout (600000)
connectTimeout (10000)
bufferSize (4096)

Fragment Injection Listener

Fragment Injection Listener configuration


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