Uploading assets

You can upload assets individually or in bulk, import them as a zip file, or upload assets from another app.

To upload an asset:

  1. Select a parent folder to upload the asset. If no folder is selected, the asset will upload at the root level.

  2. Click Upload assets.

  3. Select files to upload or drag and drop them into the designated area.

The upload size limit is 100MB, regardless of the number of assets you want to upload. To change the limit, see Configuring asset upload.

For images, the image details and a thumbnail display. You can open the image editor and edit the image by clicking that thumbnail.

In the default configuration, the dialog does not have a field for renaming the filename of the asset.

Filename field in the asset upload dialog

To read more on how to add the field to the dialog head over to assets configuration.

Uploading an asset from another app

You can upload an asset into the Magnolia DAM also from any other app that can browse the DAM, for example when creating a new contact in the Contacts app. The procedure and actions are identical to those in the Assets app and work in exactly the same way. You can define app-specific metadata fields which can be different from the standard metadata fields available when uploading in the Assets app.


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