Definitions app

The Definitions app is the single place to find all definitions loaded by Magnolia through the Registry API.

The app displays active definitions from all sources (YAML, JCR config workspace, Code, and in-memory) and origins (classpath, file system, and JCR resources workspace).

Light development introduced an additional configuration source in Magnolia and the app provides an overview of both JCR and file-based definitions. At a glance, back and front-end developers can see the definition sources.

In the Definitions app users can:

Definition types

The app includes all definitions that are bound to info.magnolia.config.registry.Registry (for example, info.magnolia.rendering.template.registry.TemplateDefinitionRegistry).

Template definition icon


Template definitions

Dialog definition icon


Dialog definitions

App definition icon


App definitions

Themes definition icon


Theme definitions

Renderers definition icon


Renderer definitions

Field type definition icon


Field type definitions

Media editors definition icon


Media editor definitions

Message views definition icon


Message view definitions

Workflows definition icon


Workflow definitions

Workitem handler definition icon


Workitem handler definitions

Where are definitions for sites?

Due to technical complexity of site decorations, there is no root sites folder containing site definitions in the Definitions app. To inspect registered site definitions, see either /modules/site (Magnolia CE) or /modules/multisite/sites (Magnolia DX Core) instead. However, in a future maintenance release of Magnolia, the root sites folder with site definitions will be restored.

Searching and filtering definitions

The column headers offer numerous filtering options to allow you to quickly find what you are looking for. The following filters are available:

Viewing definitions

You can expand any definition node to view a representation of the full configuration.

Accessing definitions

Dedicated actions allow you to access a definition for editing in either the Resource files or Configuration app:

  • Show in Resources app displays for file-based definitions. The action opens the file in read only mode in the Resource files app. You can choose to hotfix the definition in the app or edit it on the file system.
    Example: textImage component definition from the Travel Demo in the Definitions and Resources apps.
    Showing textImage component in the Definitions app
    Showing textImage component in the Resources app

  • Show in Configuration app displays for JCR-based definitions. The action opens the definition in the Configuration app where you can edit the definition in the JCR.
    Example: login component definition from the Public User Registration module in the Definitions and Configuration apps.
    Login component definition shown in the Definitions app
    Login component definition shown in the Configuration app

All YAML definitions display in the Origin column as file. The origin of these definitions could be the file system or the classpath. You can see each origin in the Resource files app.

Decorated definitions

Decorated definitions are marked in the Decorated column. The Show definition decorators action opens the Applied definition decorators popup which shows the source file and the decorated path of each decorator. Click image to access the source file in the Resource files app.

Example: home template from the Travel Demo (DX Core version).

Home template from the Travel Demo (DX Core version)
Home template decorations from the Travel Demo (DX Core version)

Definition errors

The app makes it easy to find problematic definitions via either the Problem severity column in the browser or the Problems sub app.

The following deprecated definitions are shown:

Deprecations whose origin is in Magnolia code are not displayed in the Problems sub app.
  • Deprecated classes used by any definition.

  • Deprecated or non-existing templates used by block definitions.

  • Deprecated or non-existing page template definitions referenced from site definitions.

  • Deprecated or non-existing theme definitions referenced from site definitions.

  • Template references:

    • Deprecated or non-existing dialogs.

    • Deprecated or non-existing component definitions used in page definitions.

    • Non-existing template script paths.

    • Configured but non-existing renderer.


The app is configured in /definitions-app/apps/definitions-app.yaml.

The app requires NO additional configuration and it is NOT advisable to make any changes to the configuration file.

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