
Magnolia DX Core requires a license to run. You will receive a license key from Magnolia with your purchase. Enter the key into the system when installing Magnolia. You can also update the key in the About app or in the configuration later.

Editions and licenses

Magnolia on-premise is available in the following editions:

Some modules have undergone licensing changes with Magnolia 6.3. See Old module packs, new extensions and Modules for more details.

DX Core

DX Core is your core system for content and experience management. DX Core provides all the features you need for creation, management and delivery of personalized experience across the web and all your channels.

Each instance of DX Core requires a license.

Community Edition

Free, open-source GPLv3 license. The Community Edition has fewer features than DX Core and is limited to one receiver.

Community Edition does not require a license key.

Special licenses

Some modules are specialized as they include optional features that extend Magnolia for specific use cases. These modules require a special license. Special licenses are typically given during the sales process. You can also request directly through your account manager.

Try it out

Try Magnolia CMS. You can try our Client Hosted or Cloud deployment. Download our open source community edition for free or apply for time-limited trials of our DX Core offers.

Buying a license

Contact us to buy a license for DX Core or your desired extension.

Requesting license key renewal

If your license key has expired, send a mail to and request a new key.

Hello Magnolia,

Please send me a renewed license key.

- License owner's name:
- License owner's email address:
- Company name:
- Phone:


Checking license details

Open the About Magnolia app to check your license details.

About Magnolia app license

Updating a license key

  1. Open the About Magnolia app

  2. Click Enter license info.

  3. Enter the registered email address in the License owner field.

    Email is case-sensitive. If you registered as then will not work.
  4. Enter the license key in the License data field. Make sure the key is on one line. Remove line breaks before you paste the key.

Updating license considerations

There is no need to restart Magnolia for the new license to take effect.

Enter the license key manually into all your Magnolia instances, including public instances.

The license can only be published to public instances if it has not expired yet.

The license owner’s email address is encoded into the registration key. If you change your email address and get a new key, you need to change the License owner field as well.

If the About app is not installed or not working properly, you can update your license in the Configuration app. Find the /modules/enterprise/license node and update the key property.

DX Core



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DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules