Magnolia 6.2.55 known issues

Multisite module doesn’t provide a default fallback site

The Multisite module no longer provides a fallback site by default. A fallback site is a special site definition used when no other site matches the request—essentially serving as a default.

If you haven’t defined your own fallback site, you may encounter the following error:

2025-02-25 14:31:07,166 ERROR info.magnolia.event.SimpleEventBus                : Exception caught when dispatching info.magnolia.module.ModulesStartedEvent with info.magnolia.multisite.MultiSiteModule$$Lambda$731/0x000072a668b03598 eventHandler.
info.magnolia.jcr.RuntimeRepositoryException: javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: /modules/multisite/config/sites/fallback
	at info.magnolia.multisite.MultiSiteModule.getSiteNode( ~[magnolia-module-multisite-2.1.6.jar:?]

This issue is related to MULTISITE-209, and we are actively working on a resolution. For more details, see MULTISITE-212.


  1. Upgrade to Magnolia CMS 6.2.55-sp1.

    This service pack release bundles the previous version of the Multisite module, that is 2.1.5. Note that a less impactful known issue was detected for this version. See Magnolia 6.2.54 known issues for details.

    Click to see how to upgrade to Magnolia 6.2.55-sp1

    You can use CLI to download the patched release or add the bundle to your Maven projects.

    CLI jumpstart
    mgnl jumpstart -m 6.2.55-sp1

    Alternatively, add the bundle to your Maven projects.

    + Download links.

    DX Core

    Updating the project POM
          <!-- Magnolia related dependencies -->
            <!-- Import the 'dependencyManagement' from the eebundle -> the whole project inherits all modules and their version from the eebundle -->
    Updating the webapp’s POM
        <!-- Magnolia related dependencies -->
          <!-- Using the imported 'dependencyManagement' from the parent pom -->
          <!-- Used for the Maven war:overlay -> defines the WAR's structure, the configs, web.xml etc. -->

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