Release notes for Magnolia CMS 6.2.44

LTS release • Delivered on March 28, 2024 • Page updated on April 4, 2024 • Changelog: 12427

Magnolia CMS 6.2.44 introduces a few improvements primarily around the authoring experience, performance, and the Delivery API. We also fixed a few issues and further enhanced our security. We keep the details of security fixes private in line with our security policy. Contact our Support team if you need more information.


DAM Connector Pack 1.1.6

DAM Connector Pack 1.1.6 was released on March 25, 2024.

Cloudinary 1.2.2

Cloudinary 1.2.2 released on March 19, 2024.

Upcoming changes

To use custom widgetset compilation in the next release, Magnolia 6.2.45 or later, you’ll need a Vaadin license.


  • MAGNOLIA-9200 Add the renewSession and logout functionality to LoginHandler and support LoginHandlers for LogoutFilter

    The LoginHandler interface has been enriched with session-management and logout hooks to support upcoming greater flexibility with SSO setups and multiple login providers.

    The LoginFilter and LogoutFilter internal logic has been adapted to account for these changes.

  • BLOSSOM-322 Resolve Blossom dialog in template, to render content based on page/component model

  • MAGNOLIA-9321 Configure the list of workspaces to be excluded from Audit Log

  • MGNLDAM-1370 Adding duplicate assets should be easily identifiable

  • MGNLDAM-1389 Improve availability of the "Upload" action in browser view

  • MGNLUI-8760 Configurable DateTimeResolution for DateField

  • PSWDMNGR-10 Password Manager should not depend on the activation key pair

    You must add the magnolia.password.manager.key.location property to your file. This property enables the system to generate the key pair file for the Password Manager.

    The location of this file should typically be the same as where the file is. The location must be both accessible by Magnolia and persisted. If no file is present, the Password Manager can’t create passwords. If the modules/password-manager-core@publicKey value isn’t present in the JCR, the Password Manager can’t decrypt passwords.

    For more information, see the Password Manager module.

Bug fixes

  • MAGNOLIA-9308 Duplicate node or image fails with NumberFormatException

  • MGNLDAM-1400 Width and height of image not set in Assets app with new upload dialog

  • MGNLGQL-180 Decorations of generated GraphQL definitions is not working

  • MGNLRANK-23 Audit logs are flooded by traces owned by System user

  • MGNLREST-788 Underlying search functionality leakage through unsanitised input (injection vulnerability)

  • MGNLRESTCL-224 REST client app shows data from Passwords App in clear text

  • MGNLUI-8675 Double and long types inside jcrMultivalueField are stored as strings in JCR

  • MGNLUI-8725 HierarchicalJcrDataProvider doesn’t support initial sort by node name (jcrName)

  • MGNLUI-8753 Unblock the AsyncActionExecutor

  • MGNLWORKFLOW-483 Java 17 - Content is not allowed in prolog - /mgnl-nodetypes/workflow-jbpm-nodetypes.xml - Convert to CND


  • MGNLTOMCAT-40 Update dependency org.apache.tomcat:tomcat to version 9.0.87

Third-party library updates

  • BUILD-1221 Update to apache-mime4j to version 0.8.11

  • BUILD-1226 Update Netty to version 4.1.108.Final

  • to version 33

  • googleHttpClientVersion to version 1.44.1

  • groovy monorepo to version 3.0.21

  • jackrabbitVersion to version 2.20.15

  • org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-bom to version 2.23.1

  • org.htmlunit:neko-htmlunit to version 3.11.3

  • org.javassist:javassist to version 3.30.2-GA

  • org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-bom to version 1.9.23

  • org.projectlombok:lombok to version 1.18.32

  • to version 2.25.5

  • swaggerParserVersion to version 2.1.21

Updated modules

  • Barebones Tomcat Bundle 1.2.26

  • Blossom 3.7.0

  • Community Edition 6.2.44

  • DAM 3.0.31

  • DX Core 6.2.44

  • GraphQL 1.1.7

  • Magnolia 6.2.44

  • Multisite 2.1.5

  • Password Manager 1.2.8

  • REST Client 2.0.5

  • REST Framework 2.2.26

  • Ranker 1.0.3

  • Soft Locking 3.1.4

  • Solr Search Provider 6.1.10

  • Third-party library BOM 6.2.44

  • UI 6.2.44

  • Workflow 6.0.13


The Magnolia team would also like to thank everyone who reported issues, contributed patches or simply commented on issues for this release. Your continued interest helps us make Magnolia better.

Thanks a mill!

Special thanks go out to Philipp Gaschuetz, Pierre Sandrin, Jeffrey van der Heide, and Björn Eschle.


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