Advanced Cache Policies module

Operations Bundled: DX Core

Edition DX Core




Maven site



The Advanced Cache module offers a collection of advanced cache strategies to help minimize load on the server while ensuring fresh content is served to the users.

Installing with Maven

Bundled modules are automatically installed for you.

If the module is unbundled, add the following to your bundle including your project’s <dependencyManagement> section and your webapp’s <dependencies> section. If the module is unbundled but the parent POM manages the version, add the following to your webapp’s <dependencies> section.

  <version>2.3.7</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.


To uninstall:

  1. Set the cache policy in /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/cachePolicy@class back to the default value info.magnolia.module.cache.cachepolicy.Default.

  2. Remove the /modules/advanced-cache node and its subnodes.

  3. Shut down Magnolia.

  4. Remove the Advanced Cache module JAR file (magnolia-advanced-cache.jar) from WEB-INF/lib.

  5. Start up Magnolia again.

Caching strategies

Serving old content while re-caching

Using this strategy, the cache isn’t completely cleaned when content is updated and entries are retained. After the update, fresh cache entries are generated when the first page requests come in. All further requests for the same entry are then served from the old cache content until the new entry is ready.

  • Set /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/cachePolicy@class to info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.ServeUntilRecachedCachePolicy.

  • Set /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/flushPolicy/policies/flushAll@class to info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.NotifyFlushListeningPolicy.

Eager re-caching

Using this strategy, the cache stores the most frequently served entries. The system attempts to refresh these entries as soon as it detects a content update. All other entries are re-cached on request. You can configure the number of entries to re-cache immediately and set the lifetime of the most served content.

To enable eager re-caching:

  • Set /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/cachePolicy@class to info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.EagerRecacheCachePolicy.

  • Set /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/flushPolicy/flushAll@class to info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.EagerRecacheFlushPolicy.

  • Set /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/executors/store/cacheContent@class to info.magnolia.module.cache.executor.Store.

Changing default flush policy

By default, statistics about served pages are retained indefinitely. If you want to force the system to flush the cache after each content update:

  1. Create a resetAfterUpdate property node under flushPolicy.

  2. Set the value to true.

By default, the top 100 entries are eagerly re-cached on every update. To change that number:

  1. Create an eagerRecache property node under flushPolicy.

  2. Set the value to the number of top entries in the list you wish to have eagerly re-cached.

Changing default waiting time

By default, Magnolia waits 10 seconds before attempting to re-cache after a content update. This timeout is controlled by the blockingTimeout property configured in the Ehcache 3 back-end. The blockingTimeout property applies to the whole cache factory.

If you want to change the waiting time for a particular cache policy, add a timeout property with the number of milliseconds to wait (the default value is 10000).

Changes to cache policies and executors are applied immediately. Setting incorrect values can render the Magnolia instance inaccessible.

If this happens, try the Groovy Rescue app:

See also Cache core module.

Timestamp for last flushing

The advanced flush policies update a lastUpdateTimestamp property to record the last flushing event. The timestamp allows the corresponding cache policy to identify which cache entries need to be regenerated. When you delegate cache to an advanced cache policy, create a property at a path that includes the name of your custom policy.

Example 1 - Serving old content while re-caching
  • /modules/advanced-cache/config/notifyFlushListeningPolicy@lastUpdateTimeStamp (default)

  • /modules/advanced-cache/config/notifyFlushListeningPolicy/<custom_cache_name>@lastUpdateTimeStamp (custom)

Example 2 - Eager re-caching
  • /modules/advanced-cache/config/eagerRecacheFlushPolicy@lastUpdateTimeStamp (default)

  • /modules/advanced-cache/config/eagerRecacheFlushPolicy/<custom_cache_name>@lastUpdateTimeStamp (custom)

In the examples above, <custom_cache_name> is the name of your custom policy.

Headless personalization and caching

For headless personalization to work correctly with content caching in Magnolia, you have to set /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/<your-configuration>/cachePolicy@includePersonalizedDescendants to true.

By configuring this property, the dynamic page-caching function is disabled.

Magnolia does not currently support caching for different headers or cookies. Therefore, it is impossible to specify for which headers or cookies a response should be cached.

See MGNLCACHE-245 for the upcoming improvement.

Multisite cache configuration

When content is published, the cache on the public instance is flushed automatically to show the new content. This increases the load on the server and affects all sites in a multisite environment. You can configure multiple cache configurations to ensure that only cache entries that belong to the same subtree (site) as the published content are flushed.

There are two flush policies available:

  • info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.SiteAwareFlushAllListeningPolicy

    This configuration observes changes (content publication, imports, edits) in a workspace. It flushes the cache when new or modified content is detected. This policy is used by default.

  • info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.SiteAwareFlushFromPublishingEventPolicy

    This configuration, available since Magnolia 6.2.54, observes when content is published and flushes the cache from a site when publishing completes successfully.

Both policies are supported for flushing of cache entries per site. However, SiteAwareFlushAllListeningPolicy registers JCR observations for observing changes in the workspace, so there are more events when compared to SiteAwareFlushFromPublishingEventPolicy.

Choose SiteAwareFlushFromPublishingEventPolicy if you need to reduce JCR observation resource usage.

It applies flushing to publication events only (and not to editing or importing events), so it’s most suitable when authors frequently publish or unpublish content. This approach improves performance by reducing the need to register multiple JCR observation listeners across workspaces.

If you want to flush the cache manually without opening the Cache app on a public instance, call it manually via the flushCachesCommand. See Call the flushCachesCommand command. It’s important to ensure flush commands via REST are whitelisted at /modules/rest-services/rest-endpoints/commands/enabledCommands.

Example configuration
  catalogName: cache
  commandName: flushAll
      rest: rest-editor

We recommend you use the Advanced Cache app module to configure the advanced cache, but you can also do it manually:

To configure multisite cache flush policies:

  1. Set /modules/advanced-cache/config@createSeparateCachesForEachSite=true.

    This creates caches for each site defined. It uses the defaultPageCache configuration for each site if /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/SITE-NAME doesn’t exist.

    πŸ“ modules

         πŸ“ advanced-cache

             πŸ“ config

                 ⬩ createSeparateCachesForEachSite


  2. Set /server/filters/cache@class=info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.filter.SiteAwareCacheFilter.

    This filter chooses the right site-specific cache to use so you don’t need to have separate cache filters per cache.

    πŸ“ server

         πŸ“ filters

             πŸ“ cache

                 ⬩ class


  3. Create one of the following:

    1. Default: /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/flushPolicy/policies/flushSiteAware@class=info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.SiteAwareFlushFromPublishingEventPolicy

      πŸ“ modules

           πŸ“ cache

               πŸ“ config

                   πŸ“ contentCaching

                       βΈ¬ defaultPageCache

                           βΈ¬ flushPolicy

                               βΈ¬ policies

                                   βΈ¬ flushSiteAware

                                       ⬩ class


    2. /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/flushPolicy/policies/flushSiteAware@class=info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.SiteAwareFlushAllListeningPolicy

      πŸ“ modules

           πŸ“ cache

               πŸ“ config

                   πŸ“ contentCaching

                       βΈ¬ defaultPageCache

                           βΈ¬ flushPolicy

                               βΈ¬ policies

                                   βΈ¬ flushSiteAware

                                       ⬩ class


  4. For all site-aware workspaces (those which have separate subtrees for each site):

    1. Exclude the workspace from the default flush policy: /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/flushPolicy/policies/flushAll/excludedWorkspaces@WORKSPACE_NAME=WORKSPACE_NAME.

      πŸ“ modules

           πŸ“ cache

               πŸ“ config

                   πŸ“ contentCaching

                       βΈ¬ defaultPageCache

                           βΈ¬ flushPolicy

                               βΈ¬ policies

                                   βΈ¬ flushAll

                                       βΈ¬ excludedWorkspaces

                                           ⬩ <WORKSPACE_NAME>

    2. Register this workspace to site aware flush policy: /modules/cache/config/contentCaching/defaultPageCache/flushPolicy/policies/flushSiteAware/workspaces@WORKSPACE_NAME=WORKSPACE_NAME.

      πŸ“ modules

           πŸ“ cache

               πŸ“ config

                   πŸ“ contentCaching

                       βΈ¬ defaultPageCache

                           βΈ¬ flushPolicy

                               βΈ¬ policies

                                   βΈ¬ flushSiteAware

                                       βΈ¬ workspaces

                                           ⬩ <WORKSPACE_NAME>

  5. Restart your instance.


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