Categorization module

Administration Bundled: Community Edition

Edition CE




Maven site



The Categorization module allows you to add categories to content. Categorization, also known as tagging or labeling, is a tool to manage large amounts of content. When applied to content, categories create a taxonomy - a set of metadata that describes and classifies the content. Categories help you describe content and allow visitors to find it by browsing or searching.

Taxonomies are managed with this module as categories.

Module structure



Parent reactor.


Main module containing the API, commands and the catfn templating functions.


Submodule containing the interface.


Submodule containing the Categories app.


Submodule containing the Categories compatibility app. Bundled in magnolia-community-webapp and used for backward compatibility.

For custom bundles, you have to add it yourself.


Submodule for the RSS Aggregator module.


If you are using a preconfigured Magnolia webapp or bundle, the modules are already included. The same is true if you are using a custom webapp based on magnolia-community-webapp or magnolia-dx-core-webapp.

Installing with Maven

Bundled modules are automatically installed for you.

If the module is unbundled, add the following to your bundle including your project’s <dependencyManagement> section and your webapp’s <dependencies> section. If the module is unbundled but the parent POM manages the version, add the following to your webapp’s <dependencies> section.

  <version>2.9.2</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.

magnolia-categorization depends on magnolia-categorization-support. It is sufficient to add the former to the POM file of your webapp.

What is a category?

A category is a non-hierarchical keyword assigned to a piece of content to help describe and find that content. Compared to building a hierarchy, categorization is a bottom-up approach. You can classify your content in an unlimited number of ways, and there is no wrong choice. Instead of belonging to only one category, an item may belong to several.

Categorization is typically a prerequisite to faceted search. You first need a faceted classification system before you can combine facets to filter content quickly.

Example: Tour types in the Magnolia

Travel Demo include categories such as active, beach and cultural.

Tour types

Categories assigned to a content item are typically displayed as links on the website.

Categories on site

Creating categories

Use the Categories app to create categories.

create category admincentral

Table 1. Fields
Field Description

Category name* (required)

Internal name used to access the category programmatically (for example, with catfn functions).

Display name

Friendly name displayed to users when the category is rendered, for example, as a link on the website.


Gives the category more weight. This is used to promote certain categories.

Related categories

Links to other categories. This helps visitors discover related content.

Manage categories in dedicated app

Create your own app to manage a subset of categories. Authors appreciate when they can focus on one thing at a time such as categories for a particular purpose. Managing a smaller subset helps authors work more efficiently. The Tour Categories app in the Magnolia Travel Demo is an example of this strategy. The app only shows categories that apply to tours.

Additional fields in the Tour Categories app:

  • Image (required): Image representing the category.

  • Icon (required): Icon representing the category.

  • Description: Short description for the category.

  • Body Text: Full description for the category.

Categorizing content

To categorize content, edit the content item’s properties and choose applicable categories.

Example: A tour of Kyoto is categorized as ecotourism and offPath (off the beaten path).

Edit mode

The easiest way to make categorization available to editors is to use the existing categories field from the Categorization module. If you configure your dialog using a YAML file, paste the categories field into your form definition.

  • Single selection

  • Multiple selection

      label: Categories
      $type: linkField
      buttonSelectNewLabel: Select new ...
      buttonSelectOtherLabel: Select another ...
        $type: jcrDatasource
        workspace: category
        rootPath: /tour-types
      label: Select a category
      $type: jcrMultiLinkField
        $type: linkField
        label: ""
          $type: jcrDatasource
          workspace: category
          rootPath: /tour-types

Getting content by category

Use the catfn functions to access categorized content in your templates. This set of templating functions helps you find content in a particular category. A typical use case is to offer the visitor similarly tagged pages, helping them discover additional interesting content.

Example 1: List all pages tagged with travel.
[#assign rootPage = cmsfn.asJCRNode(cmsfn.root(content, "mgnl:page"))!]
[#assign travelPages = catfn.getContentByCategory(rootPage, "travel")!]

[#list travelPages as page]
   [#assign title = cmsfn.asContentMap(page).title!page.getName()]
Example 2: List the categories of the current page.
<p>This page has the following categories:
[#assign currentNode = cmsfn.asJCRNode(content)]
[#assign myCategories = cmsfn.asContentMapList(catfn.getCategories(currentNode))]
[#list myCategories as cat ]
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