Throttling Filter module

The Throttling Filter module is an incubator module and provides filter functionality to throttle HTTP requests coming to Magnolia.


Add the filter configuration under /server/filters in the Magnolia configuration app. The following code block shows a sample configuration.

The Filter accepts three parameters

numberOfRequestsPerSecond numberOfRequestsPerSecondByUser requestType

  class: 'info.magnolia.throttling.filter.ThrottlingFilter'
  enabled: true
  jcr:primaryType: 'mgnl:content'
  numberOfRequestsPerSecond: '0' (1)
  numberOfRequestsPerSecondByUser: '1' (2)
  requestType: 'GET' (3)
      pattern: 'regex:^\/\home(\.html)?$'
1 The numberOfRequestsPerSecond parameter accept Integer values. If you pass '0' to this parameter, there will be no limitation on the number of requests per second. This parameter limits the total number of requests that are coming to the url configured in the mappings section.
2 The numberOfRequestsPerSecondByUser parameter limits the total number of requests that are coming to the url configured in the mappings section by authenticated user.
3 The requestType parameter accepts request type (String). For example: GET, POST, PUT, etc.
Requests that are not authenticated (no user logged-in) will fallback to ip-address and in case no ip-address is available will fallback to user session.

For more information, see Throttling Filter module.


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