Content structure and publishing


This section covers Magnolia CMS structure, focusing on optimizing the use of Apache Jackrabbit as the repository implementation. It also covers ways to improve publishing performance, the Synchronization module for selective content publishing, and best practices for structuring a JCR workspace to avoid performance issues.

Tuning tips - Content structure and publishing
  • Repositories and workspaces

    • The JCR standard API is used for content repositories. Don’t change data by bypassing the API, as this can cause integrity issues.

    • Best practices for structuring JCR workspaces:

      • Limit child nodes to under 500 for any parent node.

      • Use time-related content folder structures (for example, /<year>/<month>/<category>/<page>).

  • Optimizing publishing performance

    • Publishing pages separately.

    • Using itemsPerRequest to reduce publication requests.

    • Optimizing ordering on the public instance.

    • Optimizing dead nodes in PostgreSQL.

      For more, see Publishing performance.

  • Swift publishing

    • Scale publishing efficiently using the Swift publishing module.

      For more, see Swift publication.


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