Migrate Magnolia from Cloud 3 to PaaS


This article guides you on from Cloud 3 to PaaS.

There are two main steps when moving from Cloud 3 to PaaS:

  1. Migrating the customer’s content, datastore, and configuration. See more in Migrating content.

  2. Preparing the application to use the PaaS project files. See more in Preparing for PaaS.

You can download this file as a PDF if desired.

Migrating content

Why you’re here and important tips

In all likelihood, a PaaS onboarding ticket was created to migrate a Cloud 3 customer to PaaS. In this case, the PaaS team should create the necessary (typically dev and prod) clusters on the PaaS side of things for you. If they haven’t, make sure they have done so. You can reach out to them at PaaS Slack external.

Often, Cloud 3 had multiple environments such as dev, uat, and prod, each which includes a public and author instance. You’ll need to make sure you map the correct environment to the correct Kubernetes cluster for PaaS.

How long will this take?

This should take between 10-30 minutes if you don’t encounter any issues and use the faster options described below. This is, of course, an estimate of time and every customer migration varies.


  • Access to Rancher

  • Able to run the kubectl command locally

  • Access to the Cloud 3 customer package (request from Helpdesk)

  • Access to the PaaS customer cockpit with appropriate permissions (request from Helpdesk)

  • Contact with a Magnolia SRE

Required files

You’ll need the following files:

Prepare the dump file


You’ll need to request that SRE runs this command for you and shares the link. You can give them the following instructions.

  1. First, they’ll need to trigger the following command for all Cloud 3 environments.

    pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -p 15432 -U postgres -d magnolia > magnolia-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump (1)
    1 Where the *.dump file name matches your own requirements. We recommend naming it based on customer.
  2. SRE should share the prepared .dump file via Google Drive or SE with the AWS CLI.

For you (the migration guru)

  1. Use the groovy script in groovy-script/print-magnolia-workspaces.groovy to print the required workspaces.

    You’ll need to update the workspaces to INCLUDEWORKSPACES in migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.sh. Including the *mgnlversion values is especially important.
    #     	magnolia_conf_sec-mgnlSystem
  2. The PaaS team should have created clusters for you. If not, request that. Assuming they have, download the Kubernetes kube_config file.

    This is typically downloadable via a button from Rancher from within the cluster.

  3. Export the kube_config file to your path.

    export KUBECONFIG=$PAAS/kube_config/CUSTOMER-NAME-dev.yaml (1)
    1 The example here shows a customer’s dev cluster.
  4. Create a new migration container in the cluster.

    kubectl apply -f magnolia-migration-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-postgresql.yml (1)
    1 Where you match per customer the CUSTOMER-NAME.

    magnolia-migration-postgresql.yml example file

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: magnolia-postgresql
      namespace: migration
        app: magnolia-postgresql
    type: Opaque
      postgresql-password: ENTER_YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: magnolia-postgresql
      namespace: migration
      replicas: 1
          app: magnolia-postgresql
            app: magnolia-postgresql
            - name: data
              emptyDir: {}
    #          persistentVolumeClaim:
    #            claimName: migration-task-pvc
            - name: postgres
              image: postgres:14.4
                - name: POSTGRES_USER
                  value: magnolia
                - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
                      name: magnolia-postgresql
                      key: postgresql-password
                - containerPort: 5432
                - name: data
                  mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
                  subPath: postgres
                  memory: "512Mi"
                  cpu: "500m"
                  memory: "1Gi"
                  cpu: "1"
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: magnolia-postgresql
      namespace: migration
        app: magnolia-postgresql
        - port: 5432

Get the dump file

Now that we have prepared the dump file, we’ll copy it to the container as needed. There are two options below.

Recommend SRE to share the .dump file in a Google Drive location. This is the most efficient way to download the dump file.
  • gdown from container

  • Fastest S3 via AWS CLI

  • Copy from local env

The first option is to use the gdown command and download the dump directly from Google Drive. This is the faster of the two options.

  1. Go to into the migration container.

    exec kubectl exec -i -t -n migration magnolia-postgresql-88b6d8fbf-2jmh4 -c prod -- sh -c "clear; (bash || ash || sh)"
  2. Download the file from within the container.

    apt update
    apt install python3-pip
    pip install gdown (1)
    gdown ${google-drive-link} (2)
    1 gdown is a python specific command for downloading Google Drive files.
    2 You’ll get this from the link shared with you for the migration.
  3. Share the file in the anyone with the link mode if needed.

    After the file is downloaded, return the file to restricted mode. This is critical for data protection.
  1. Install the AWS CLI.

  2. Run the following commands:

    aws s3 cp s3://dump-db/live/live-public1-magnolia_conf_sec.dump ./live-public1-magnolia_conf_sec.dump
    aws s3 cp s3://dump-db/live/live-public1-magnolia.dump ./live-public1-magnolia.dump
    1 The AWS access key.
    2 The AWS secret access key.

The other option is to copy the file from the local environment and use the kubectl cp command to send to the container.

This is the slower of the options and is only recommend if you cannot get the Google Drive link.
kubectl cp /path/magnolia-author1-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump migration/magnolia-postgresql-88b6d8fbf-bwnx9:/tmp/magnolia-author1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump
kubectl cp /path/magnolia-public1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump migration/magnolia-postgresql-88b6d8fbf-bwnx9:/tmp/magnolia-public1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump

Also, you’ll need to copy the script locally to the container path:

kubectl cp migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db.sh migration/magnolia-postgresql-88b6d8fbf-2jmh4:/tmp/migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db.sh
kubectl cp migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db-ds_datastore.sh migration/magnolia-postgresql-88b6d8fbf-2jmh4:/tmp/migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db-ds_datastore.sh

Migration examples


This copies the .dump file to your target database.

See the table below for more details on the commands.
/bin/zsh ./migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db.sh -h dev-magnolia-helm-public-db.dev -p 5432 -f /tmp/magnolia-public1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump -d public -u postgres
# Author
./migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db.sh -h prod-magnolia-helm-author-db.prod -p 5432 -f /tmp/magnolia-author1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump -d author -u postgres
# Public
./migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db.sh -h prod-magnolia-helm-public-db.prod -p 5432 -f /tmp/magnolia-public1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump -d public -u postgres


/bin/zsh migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db-ds_datastore.sh -h localhost -p 59638 -f $HOME/Magnolia/backup/author/magnolia-author1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump -d magnolia -u magnolia
# Author
./migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db-ds_datastore.sh -h prod-magnolia-helm-author-db.prod -p 5432 -f /tmp/magnolia-author1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump -d author -u postgres
# Public:
./migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db-ds_datastore.sh -h prod-magnolia-helm-public-db.prod -p 5432 -f /tmp/magnolia-public1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump -d public -u postgres

Migrate configuration and permissions

Migrating configuration as well as permissions-based information such as users, roles, and groups, you’ll need to use the JCR Tools App. For more on that, see here.

  1. First, migrate the config workspace.

    1. Use the JCR exporter to export the latest config` workspace for author and public. Alternatively, you can replace existing nodes with the same ID. However, this is for XML only.

    2. Go to the target author and public environment, and use the JCR importer to import the downloaded config` workspace.

  2. Now, let’s migrate the users workspace.

    1. Use JCR exporter to export latest users workspace in author.

    2. Open users.xml in your text editor.

    3. Remove the entire system node.

      If you don’t remove the entire node, your instance might break.

    4. Put the users.xml file in your bootstrap folder in your light-modules like /light-modules/bootstraps/users.xml.

    5. Configure the helm values.yml file for both magnoliaAuthor and magnoliaPublic:

         magnolia.content.bootstrap.dir: '/mgnl-home/modules/bootstraps'
         magnolia.content.bootstrap.createTasks: onchange (1)
      1 As soon as you reload your PaaS instance, a task will appear in your admincentral. Run the task, and it will bootstrap the configuration for users, roles, and groups.
  3. Remove the index folder and restart both author and publics to reindex again.

  4. Review the rest-anonymous role on both instances to have the following values:

    1. GET&POST: /.rest/configuration/*

    2. GET&POST: /.rest/cloud/*

Clean up the migration container

To clean up the migration container/workspace, run the following.

kubectl delete -f magnolia-migration-postgresql.yml (1)
1 This should match the filename for your particular migration.

Commands table

File/flag Notes


Your shell script.

-h dev-magnolia-helm-public-db.dev

The target namespace.

-p 5432

The port.

-f /tmp/magnolia-public1-live-<CUSTOMER-NAME>.dump

The location of the .dump file.

-d public

The schema such as public or author.

-u postgres

The username for your database.


Permission denied

If you’re denied access on the files, try to change the permissions on the file with the chmod command.

chmod +x migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db-ds_datastore.sh
chmod +x migrate-<CUSTOMER-NAME>-db.sh

Delivery endpoints not returning workspace data

For example, if you were denied access to \<URL>/.rest/delivery/partners.

  1. Remove index folder in both author and public and restart to index again.

    cd /mgnl-home/repositories/magnolia/workspaces/
    find . -name index -exec rm -rf {} \;
    Follow the steps here if you need help.

Replica issues

When we scale public replicas to 2, we might face the issue on the newly-created pod:

2022-12-30 12:40:53,402 WARN  org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl : Fallback to nt:unstructured due to unknown node type '{http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}block' of node /your-nodes

To fix this:

  1. Copy /mgnl-home/repositories/magnolia/repository/nodetypes/custom_nodetypes.xml from public-0 (original public) to new public-1 (new public).

  2. Restart public-1 (new public).

PostgreSQL version

It’s possible that you will need to align your PostgreSQL version from Cloud 3 to PaaS. If so, make sure the tag in your values.yml file for PaaS is the same as the PostgreSQL version as the Cloud 3 database you’re moving from:

  tag: 12.8 (1)
1 Where tag is the version.

Preparing for PaaS

Now, that you’ve moved your content, you’ll need to set up the PaaS project side.



  1. You just need to ensure that the application you’re moving from Cloud 3 to PaaS uses the Cloud parent POM file.

    This file ensures that all mandatory libraries needed to deploy PaaS are available.
  2. Ensure the project uses the latest magnolia version.

    Follow the steps in Set up PaaS or run maven archetype for the latest project structure.
  3. optional If the project is using any Cloud 3 specific maven plugins, you’ll need to remove those.

If we’re hosting for the PaaS customer, the CI/CD setup is handled by the PaaS team and there’s nothing else to do.

If they’re not using GitLab via us, they’ll need to implement a CI/CD build in the customer’s source control.





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