Creating plugins

This page describes how you can create Magnolia CLI plugins.

Below, FooPlugin (cli-foo-plugin) is just an example plugin name.

Create a new plugin

  1. Run the Generate plugin as follows:

    npx @magnolia/cli generate-plugin
    The plugin will be created in the current working directory.
  2. When prompted by the generator dialog, provide the following information:

    • Plugin name

      Recommended name pattern: cli-<name>-plugin, for example cli-foo-plugin.

    • Main class name

      Recommended name pattern: <Name>Plugin, where Name is capitalized, hence FooPlugin for example.

The command generates these files and folders:

cli-<name>-plugin.ts (1)
1 For example cli-foo-plugin.ts.
The cli-<name>-plugin.ts file generated contains an example which you can try out before changing the plugin. See Testing new plugins for plugin testing instructions.

Important files


The file contains sample code to help you understand how to create a new plugin. Most of the changes you’ll need to make are in the cli-<name>-plugin.ts file.

Implement your plugin in TypeScript to benefit from type safety and to easily extend the PluginTemplate, which sets the necessary attributes and functions.


The package.json file is prepared for you. Feel free to change the name and description to better match your project’s requirements.

You’ll find several dependencies included. They should simplify the development process of your plugin.

Modify the new plugin

To modify the plugin, open cli-foo-plugin.ts. There are five key elements to consider:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Options

  • The Start function

  • The Stop function

Refer to the generated file for additional information.


The name determines the command you’ll use to start the plugin. By default, it’s set to from the package.json:

export default class FooPlugin extends PluginTemplate {
  name =; // Will be "cli-foo-plugin" in your case.

The form of the command you will use to start the plugin in your project:

npm run mgnl -- cli-foo-plugin --name John

You can assign your own name:

export default class FooPlugin extends PluginTemplate {
  name = "greet";

Then, the command will take this form:

npm run mgnl -- greet --name John


Description provides information about the plugin when the --help (or -h) option is used. By default, the description value is retrieved from package.json, but you can customize the value in the package.json or directly in the code:

export default class FooPlugin extends PluginTemplate {
description = "This plugin greets the user by name."

Then, when you use the help option (--help or -h),

npm run mgnl -- -h

you’ll get:

Welcome to Magnolia Accelerator!
Usage: @magnolia/cli [options] [command]

CLI for Magnolia projects

-V, --cli-version          output the version number
-h, --help                 display help for command

cli-foo-plugin [options]  This plugin greets the user by name.
help [command]             display help for command


This attribute is an array that defines the possible command-line options available to the user when invoking the plugin. To add a new option, add it to the options property.

The commander package is utilized to achieve this. Within your plugin, the Option class from the commander is used to describe each command-line option.

To understand the various configuration possibilities with the Option type, visit the commander documentation.

Remember to add the property to the PluginOptions interface.
interface PluginOptions {
  name: string;

export default class FooPlugin extends PluginTemplate {
  options = [
    new Option('-n, --name <name>', 'Say hello to <name>')

Start function

When the plugin is called from the CLI, for example with

npm run mgnl cli-foo-plugin -- -plugin-option option-value

the start function gets called with all the options that are passed in the command line. You can modify the function as required.

export default class FooPlugin extends PluginTemplate {
  async start(options: PluginOptions) {
    logger?.info("Plugin started");
    if ( {
      this.sayHello( // example function
    } else {
      logger?.warn("No --name <name> passed in options");

Stop function

The stop function gets called when the CLI detects a SIGINT signal (ctrl+c). The plugin should be responsible to gracefully end all the running processes with the stop function.

export default class FooPlugin extends PluginTemplate {
  async stop() {
    logger?.info("Plugin stopped");

Test the new plugin

The code generated contains an example which you can test. For more details about testing, see Testing new plugins.


PluginTemplate is a class that each plugin must extend to function properly. It defines:

  • Properties

    • name, to define the command by which you’ll start the plugin.

    • description, to define a plugin description.

    • version, to define a plugin version.

    • options, to define a set of options of the plugin.

    • usage, to define plugin usage information.

  • Functions

    • start — The start function which is called from the CLI after the plugin is stated.

    • stop — The stop function which is called when the CLI detects the SIGINT signal (ctrl+c).

    • init — The init function which is called before start to pass configuration data and to initialize the logger.

Plugin logger

PluginTemplate instantiates a logger passed from the CLI. Once a logger object is available, use it to log the errors and other plugin runtime information to help users mitigate issues that might occur.

You can use the logger object like this:

// Log information messages
logger?.info("Application started.");
// Log warning messages
logger?.warn("Configuration file is missing.");
// Log error messages
logger?.error("An error occurred.");

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