First steps to creating and configuring live copy

Create a live copy

To create a live copy, first open the Pages app.

  1. Select the site/tree/page you want to copy.

  2. Click Create live copy in the action bar.

  3. Choose a location for the live copy in the Choose page location dialog.

  4. Optionally, you can clear the default Automatically relink checkbox. However, in most cases, having links in the live copy site point to target links within it and not to the master site is what you want.

    Automatically relink by default

    Relinking can also be done on the Pages app’s action bar via the Relink all pages to live copy pages action or when new changes are pushed.
  5. Finally, create a matching site definition for your freshly created live copy site.

    In the Live copy column of the Pages app, the two sites are indicated using an icon:

Master Live copy

Master site icon

Live copy site icon

Note, that the newly created live copy site follows the same naming conventions as the standard copy action. For example, if your master site is named travel, then the new live copy site is named travel0, if it is called Route-66, then the live copy is named Route-67.

We recommend you rename the live copy site to distinguish it from the master quicker.

Pages app with master page and live copy listed

You can copy just a sub-tree or a single page instead of a whole site.

Initially, the location of live copy is limited to the root, but you can select your preferred location in the chooser.

Create live copy subpages

If you have added a new page to a master site, you must create a live copy of the new page so that its equivalent exists in the live copy site before you can push master changes to it.

Good to know before you start
  • Newly created pages are not added automatically to a live copy upon pushing master changes.

  • If several live copies of a master exist, when you create a live copy of the subpage(s), you can choose where to locate the new subpage live copy.

  • The live copy or copies are created in each location specified.

  • Suppose you delete content in a live copy without protecting it from master content changes. In that case, the deleted content will be added again when the master content is pushed. One workaround is to add a no rendering option to the respective master component using an if condition in its FTL file (example shown below).

    [#if "${content.headline}" != "hide"]
    <div class="card">
        [#assign myAsset = damfn.getAsset("jcr","/6-2_good-to-knows.jpg")!]
        [#if myAsset??]
            <img src="${myAsset.getLink()}" width="300px"/>
        <p class="artwork_title">${content.text}</p>
        [#assign myAssetLink = damfn.getAssetLink("jcr:20f53452-7e37-4e1b-b10d-c085a703809d")!]
        <p class="webapp_link">${myAssetLink}</p>
        <p class="webapp_link">${content.pageLink}</p>
  • If you copy a component from one page to another, please remember that any associated link will still point to the page it was linked to before the copy.

Create live copy site definition

Go to Configuring a site definition to create a new one for your live copy. Duplicate the master site by making a copy in the Configuration app or a light module folder.

Configuring live copy for internationalization

This page describes how to configure i18n for your live copy site.

In this example, we make a live copy of the Magnolia Travel demo. The master is in English and German. We want the live copy to be in German only.

  1. Create a live copy of your master site.

  2. Go to your master site definition in the Resource Files app.

  3. Create a copy of the master site definition.

    In this example, we create a live copy of the travel-demo site. Therefore, we create a copy of the travel-demo site definition yaml file, travel.yaml.

    Site definitions in the Ressources app

  4. Edit the live copy site definition as follows:

        name: (1)
        URIPrefix: ''
        handlePrefix: /travel0 (1)
        repository: website
      prototypeId: travel-demo:pages/prototype
            id: travel-demo:pages/home
            id: travel-demo:pages/standard
            id: travel-demo:pages/searchResultPage
            id: travel-demo:pages/pur
          freemarker: freemarker
          spa: spa
      name: travel-demo-theme
      class: info.magnolia.cms.i18n.IetfI18nContentSupport
      enabled: true
      fallbackLocale: de (2)
      locales: (3)
          enabled: true
          languageTag: de
    1 Update the domain and mappings to match the live copy name.
    2 Change the fallback locale to de (German).
    3 Delete the other locales and only leave de.

    When the author now opens a live copy page, the language switcher does not appear at the bottom of the page and the content presented is the German version.

About locales

Locales are display languages on Magnolia instances. When you create a live copy of your page, the new page (live copy) adopts the same structure as the original (master). This means that the locales of the master site definition are used to define the structure of both the master and live copy pages. The fallbackLocale defines which language is used by default from the available locales and which content is served if the content is not available for the current locale.

You can read the Language configuration page for information about defining available locales, and the Internationalization page for more information about translated user interface texts (see examples in the table below).

Master Live copy

title = Hello world

title = Hello world

title_de = Hallo Welt

title_de = Hallo Welt

Defining fallbackLocale does not affect the structure of the live copy or the master pages. For example, defining this property as de is like stating that the content of the live copy page will be rendered in the German locale by default when first loaded.

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