Content planner module

Content management Incubator Version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT Magnolia 6.2 compatible

The Content planner module helps plan and manage content-related tasks and campaigns in a structured manner. It provides tools for task creation, tracking, and visualization, allowing you to organize your content workflow. You can plan tasks, track your progress, and organize them into campaigns, all while utilizing interactive UI components like calendars and task boards for better planning and task management.

This module is at the INCUBATOR level.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:




You can configure the module through decorating the content-calendar-core config.yaml file.

Decoration path


Task States

Tasks can be assigned states. These states are used in a dropdown in the task dialog and are used to generate the lanes on the board.


  - name: planned (1)
    value: planned (2)
    label: content-calendar-app.planned.label (3)
    doneState: false (4)
  - name: inProgress
    value: inProgress
    label: content-calendar-app.inProgress.label
    doneState: false
  - name: done
    value: done
    label: content-calendar-app.done.label
    doneState: true
1 The name of the element. Needs to be unique in this list.
2 The internal name for this state.
3 The display value for this state. This can be an i18n key.
4 Boolean used internally for some filters to determine if an task is already finished still needs to be finished.

User Realms

The user realm is used for the assignee dropdown and filter. It uses the users from these realms to populate the datasource with a special handling for the SSO realm. The username is the one the User Object holds, which the Usermanager returns.

Current default
  - admin (1)
  - system (2)
  - sso (3)
1 The default realm for users; system is the realm where the superuser and anonymous is saved.
2 Not intended to be a default, but it currently is for better local testing.
3 The SSO user realm.
For SSO, an External User Manager is used, which cannot possibly know all users, so the profiles workspace is used to decode the base64 encoded username.


Custom views for the App are built with React and added to the App via JavaScript UI module.

Charts are created with amCharts 5 and the calendar uses FullCalendar.


This is the default subapp that opens first. It is the entry point for the app that provides an overview and statistics for the user that is currently logged in.

The statistics currently include:

  • A calendar for the current week with the open tasks for the user.

  • Pie charts, which display task states for these time frames:

    • overall (all months)

    • current month

    • next month

Browser subapp

This subapp is open by default, and only one instance can be open at any given time.

Here, you can create new campaigns and tasks.

The structure is the following:

├─ Campaign Folder/ (1)
│  ├─ Campaign/
│  │  ├─ Task
├─ Campaign/
│  ├─ Task-Folder/ (2)
│  │  ├─ Task
│  ├─ Task (3)
1 Campaign-Folders can be created at the root as well as nested other Campaign-Folders, including Campaigns.
2 Task-Folders can be created under a Campaign and other Task-Folders.
3 Tasks can be created under a Task-Folder and a Campaign.
These folder types are not interchangeable.

Campaign Detail subapp

The Campaign Detail subapp can be opened from the Action bar on a valid item in the browser subapp.

The dialog contains the following fields:

Field Type Description



The internal name.


Date field

The start of the campaign.


Date field

The end of the campaign.


Text field

Information about the campaign.

Task Detail subapp

The Task Detail subapp can be opened from the Action bar on a valid item in the browser subapp and via the Campaign Calendar and Task Board.

The dialog contains the following fields:

Field Type Description



The internal name.

Content brief

Text field

Some information about the task.


Select field

Select a Magnolia user.

Due date

Date field

The date when the task should be finished.


Select field

Options generated from the configuration.


Select field

Specifies the priority of the task.

  • Highest

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

  • Lowest


Custom JS field

Uses a chooser dialog, via decoration where you can configure which workspaces are linkable.

Calendar subapp

The Calendar subapp is open by default, and only one instance can be open at any given time. Multi-month calendar displays all content campaigns in the selected time frame. Selecting a camapign leads the editor to the selected Campaigns calendar.

The following calendar views are currently available:

  • 6 Months

  • 1 Month

  • 1 Week

Campaign Board subapp

The Campaign Board subapp can be opened from the Action bar on a valid item in the browser subapp. It displays all tasks of a campaign grouped by their state.

You can filter tasks on the board by assignee, priority and time frame.

You can change the task state via drag and drop.

Campaign Calendar subapp

The Campaign Calendar subapp can be opened from the Action bar on a valid item in the browser subapp. It displays all tasks associated with the campaigns in the selected time frame.

Selecting a task takes you to the task detail app.

You can change the due date via drag and drop.


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